After consulting several opinions, it has actually come down to 4 logo designs, namely number 1, 2, 4 and 6. The band members had a vote and we are now going to use logo number 6 (van Helsing). So I guess now we will be searching for gigs around and practicing every week while trying not to clash with our examinations and studies.
The lineup is currently comprising of a few members from the former Confusion and a new vocalist (thanks to Adonis' smart move). Hopefully, this time, the search will really be over. Gotta really practice hard and improve my skills from now on though if we want to get somewhere with this band.
Just one problem. If our keyboardist leaves and goes back to Indonesia, we'll need to search for people all over again. *sigh* On the bright side, we have to choose some nice songs to practice now. *grins*
- Which songs should we play? Any suggestions are welcome, preferably suiting a female vocalist.
- Why does UTP have such bad internet connection lately, but such fantastic LAN all of a sudden (sending files on gtalk has been ridiculously fast)?