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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

As The Bands Go Marching On...

We suddenly have a huge banner That displays the message "Say No To Euphonious". I have no idea what is happening to UTP nowadays. It seems that certain parties in UTP would see this competition as something against their religious convictions. But this has not been the first event being labeled as tidak halal and it certainly would not be the last.

I'm not going to criticize any parties here, but there is a very thin line between being religious and spirituality. The intentions may be good, but when we cross over the line from being spiritual to being religious, it completely turns sour and our efforts are not being appreciated by the people we are trying to help, nor does it bring benefit any longer as our efforts would only turn them against us.

I have no idea how much making that banner costs, but think about it. If so much resources are being put into this effort, you need to be very sure that the effort is worth every cent, or else the money would be better channeled into efforts like helping people learn more about God or improving spirituality constructively.

Well, that's just my own view. But from my observation, people seem to be having an adverse reaction towards this banner and may be even more determined to go for Euphonious. Well, if you can't beat them, join them. =P