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Friday, October 3, 2008

Holidays Finally!!

Finally the first 2/3 of the semester is over and we are on Raya break now. *grins*

Just came back from camp and had a really super time there though. =D The camp was in Chefoo Methodist Center in Cameron Highlands and the weather was so cold that the night we returned to UTP my whole body was feeling sooooooooooo PANAS despite having the fan set to a maximum speed of 5. XD

Will be spending the remainder few days in pg with girlfriend and eating nice nice food.. *drools* unlike the situation we had in UTP despite it being Ramadhan. Normally Ramadhan would mean that the food would be extra nice when it comes to breaking fast time. Unfortunately this was not so for this year. So yea... you can imagine how much I'm craving really really nice food.

Well, so far had some really nice food. Had some beautiful spag cooked by girlfriend and wonderful soup cooked by her mum. To top it up, we had a little bit of Macademian Nut-flavoured Haagen Dazs ice-cream. *drools at the thought of it again*

Anyways, enough said. More pictures it shall be =)

Wonderful scones =D

Tamak makan

Muka Jambu by those beside me